Help your students build empathy by learning how the words they use online are indeed powerful, and show them strategies they can use when they encounter cyberbullying.
Digital citizenship is more than being savvy with media and tech. It's recognizing what we have in common online and offline, and deciding together: How will we act, create, learn, and lead?
The 2020–2021 school year was full of challenges, but you overcame them and there is so much to be proud of. Thank you for all that you did to keep students connected and learning throughout the pandemic. Your compassion and dedi…
Students put themselves into the shoes of the Digital Citizen characters, who play superheroes that are able to solve digital dilemmas in responsible ways.
Los estudiantes desarrollan su empatía al reflexionar sobre cómo las palabras que usan en línea pueden impactar los sentimientos de los demás. También aprenden una estrategia que pueden utilizar cuando se encuentren en alguna sit…
Is screen time good or bad for us? Students explore what the scientific research says about screen time, and consider that it's not just about the time spent but the quality of the time.
Students learn about a framework -- the Rings of Responsibility -- to understand how to balance their responsibilities to themselves and others in the digital world.
Students hear from Cameron Kasky, Parkland school shooting survivor and March for Our Lives activist, on what he learned about civil discourse online and how to foster common ground with others, even in disagreement.
Students consider that in the United States, children are required to be 13 to sign up for most social media platforms, and think about what age kids should be allowed to start using social media, in light of privacy and social d…
Students put themselves into the shoes of the Digital Citizen characters, who play superheroes that are able to solve digital dilemmas in responsible ways.
Students listen to other teens' thoughts and feelings about having and maintaining boundaries in friendships online, in a world of being constantly connected.
Students hear teens reflect on how they decide to represent themselves in the digital world, reflecting on whether they represent the self they're aiming to be.