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What information is OK to have in your digital footprint?
40 mins.
Dilemma Discussion, Media Creation, Video
How are we all part of an online community?
30 mins.
Media Creation
What should you do if someone is mean to you online?
35 mins.
Dilemma Discussion, Media Creation
How can you give credit for other people's work?
Article, Media Creation
How do you say goodbye to technology when you don't want to?
Media Creation, Song, Video
How do you go places safely online?
Why is it important to listen to your feelings when using technology?
How can we counter online hate speech and xenophobia?
50 mins.
Article, Dilemma Discussion, Podcast, Quiz, Video
How can we challenge our own confirmation bias?
45 mins.
Article, Quiz, Video
Are we addicted to our devices, and, if so, are companies to blame?
60 mins.
Article, Quiz
Why is it important that we have device-free moments in our lives?
How can we be safe, responsible, and respectful online?
25 mins.
How can we be good digital citizens?
20 mins.
Dilemma Discussion, Media Creation, Song, Video
How can you avoid being fooled by fake videos and other information online?
How can information you post online affect your future opportunities?
Article, Podcast, Quiz, Video