Taking a Stand on Cellphone Bans
What are the impacts of a school-wide cellphone ban?
20 mins.
Reflect on the benefits and drawbacks of a school-wide cellphone ban
Use the Take a Stand thinking routine to practice perspective-taking and civil discourse
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Key Standards Supported
Lesson Plan
20 mins.
Take a Stand: To Ban or Not to Ban
20 mins.Extend the Lesson
In small groups, have students create a school-wide cellphone policy that works to support all key stakeholders: administrators, teachers, students, and parents/caregivers. Share the following questions to help guide the creation of their policies:
- What is the policy?
- How will it be enforced?
- What supports or resources are needed to get everyone on board with the policy and willing and able to follow through?
Optional: Share Key Questions to Inform Your Cellphone Policy as a helpful resource for students as they create their policies.